The woman was a Q member and she believed in all those false stories. She should not have tried to climb into the window don’t know what you are climbing into a broken window leave people alone. They had a right to shot you. It is sad you listen to Trump it got you killed. Trump gives bad advice and it got you killed. Stop listening to this President he only cares about himself. This is a bad thing. I wish Trump’s followers could see he is not really for them. He is only concerned for himself and his rich friends and now because of this, the Republican party is now turning on him. He is your God and Trump knows it. The blood is on his hands period. He Said he was going to walk them with them. He lied. Biden said a President’s words matter. I am glad Biden won we need a real President. Not this BS we had for 4 years. He told them he loved them and he had some of them killed. Trump, the blood is on your hands. You told them to go. If that was black lives matter you would have had tanks. This is just that racist BS. When Biden takes office we going to be in trouble in this country the Alt-right terrorist are going to run this country and they going to kill a lot of black and brown people and jews mark my word it is only the beginning of this mess.