Joe Biden and Jill Biden the first lady were thanking the family, I would like to come to Buffalo, and Mayor Brown. He wanted to thank all the first responders. He knows what it likes to lose people you love and ” the day will come for it to bring a smile to your lip than a tear to your eye”. He spoke about all these beautiful souls and he was telling him all his pain in his voice. He was telling and humanizing everyone. He would live stream the shooting and was proud of himself. The hate that the Trump base builds. The lie that white people will be replaced by black and brown people. white supremacy is a poison the Idea of white supremacy has no place in America. It is my opinion that it is up to white to change not black and brown people. That is why George Floyd’s death ended in a conviction. It should be no place like the KKK that exists in this county. We have a long way to go in America Critical Race theory is a problem in this country. White people don’t even want to know the history of evil they want to hide it.
The Jewish community will not let you forget the Holocaust at all. If you forget the past you are doomed to repeat it.