Sitting in place is one of the hardest things to do life. Letting thoughts swirl around your mind until you find something of conviction can be a difficult task. It is something that we all desire. Everyone aspires to share their hopes and dreams. It would also be nice along the way to share these thoughts with others. As for pop journalism, writers within this discipline have the opportunity to assert both subjective and objective information that causes audiences to view the truth from a variety of perspectives and perhaps in new ways.
Pop journalism got its start in Germany during the 1960s where many writers blurred the lines between objectivity and subjectivity during their works for newspapers and magazines. The new trend was successful in Germany and made its way to other locations throughout the world-including the United States.
Pop journalism writers provide facts and opinions regarding mediums within arts and entertainment. They create unique writing pieces that explains concepts while enlightening and entertaining audiences. What I like about this discipline is the ability to assert a variety of different types of images within the writing. In traditional journalism, the spotlight is placed on the facts only. However, with pop journalism, the spotlight is also on facts as well as creative ideas and concepts the writer finds compelling. One of my favorite ways to create aesthetics is to support objective data with images of fine and performing arts. For example, I have written about visual artist and how their creations relate to existing works. I’ve explained how the art is a continuation of the concepts and ideas shared by popular artists like Frida Kahlo, Jackson Pollock and Damien Hirst.
The landscape for pop journalism is extremely vast. On today’s internet, numerous platforms exist where user-generated content that features facts and creativity can be shared with audiences. I think BuzzFeed is one of those platforms. I like how writers on BuzzFeed use creativity in their articles to share ideas. It is common for their writers to insert images, lists, and animated gifs to support their writing. I’ve been a dedicated reader of their works over the last decade, and they have been an inspiration.
Another useful thing about the discipline is that it’s acceptable to submit writing in the first-person perspective-even when sharing objective information. I am going to submit more fist-person articles on this platform. I look forward to the opportunity to share my thoughts with a global audience.
Due to the expansion of social media and digital media platforms, there are significant opportunities to share pop journalism online. At this point, I have written thousands of articles but I feel like I am just getting started. I am more focused on the discipline now than ever before, and I believe the Arts Tribune platform can have an influence on today’s readers.
I write articles on every medium within arts and entertainment. Throughout my education and life, I have developed a passion for all of the arts. I think expressing my articles through the ideas and concepts of pop journalism will make a variety of interesting pieces.