Artists’ Village, Campbell Coast
The Artists’ Village at Campbell Coast, created by BJoyful and Doc Rast (rasterscan) and curated by Owl Dragonash, opened A Street Fair, an extensive ensemble exhibition of 2D and 3D art on Tuesday, September 22nd.
A Scottish themed Mainland residential setting that’s open to the public, Campbell Coast offers access to both Linden roads and protected land and to sailable water, with the Artists’ village occupying one corner overlooking the coastal waters. The exhibition features a mix of residential artists and guest artists, with art displays both within the town houses of the village, along the cobbled streets and on the outdoor walls of some of the the buildings.
Artists’ Village, Campbell Coast: Etamae
Participating artists within the studio spaces comprise: Dhyezl, Moondance, Reycharles, Gidgy Adagio, Whimsical Aristocrat, Michiel Bechir, Owl Dragonash, John and Tempest Huntsman, Suzen Juel, Dimi Ludwig, Jed Luckless, Lexus Melodie…