She is supposed to have met with R.Kelly’s Latoya Middleton. She was having sex all night. R.Kelly was not used to taking baths and showers. This is a lot of stuff, she was not in “Surviving R. Kelly”, but one of the women Gloria Alred is representing. Jay Z was allegedly involved and it was just a lot of stuff that could be bad and now she’s selling books and who knows who is telling the truth. This is a lot of mess with the stories that happened. Latoya Middleton wants a check. She wrote a book “Surviving Daddy”. R Kelly was supposed to have bad oder. All of this stuff is BS and could just be false and nothing has been proven on Jay Z. But it’s out there online. R. Kelly may be guilty but he is caught so he needs to shut and take his punishment and try to get an appeal. R. Kelly can’t read or write he was trying to marry Azriel. R. Kelly Sings the story of his Life for 45 Minutes | GQ. R. kelly communicates with singing. Azriel Clary was the one he wanted to marry and she is the one that put him in jail. My only thing is how can anyone in this position get a fair trial. His relationship with his ex-wife and Azeril Clary was all the jury needed to charge him with guilty.
This has put a spotlight on abuse and how it affects black women. Azriel is telling her truth in the really good video below. R Kelly should have treated his women better and the ones that love him would have been treated better period. This is a whole lot to unpack so R kelly is going for an appeal and he is not going to want to go down by himself. The sad thing is the world was his. And now that is over. No more videos on youtube no more money coming in so now his kids won’t have anything to do with him for real and he won’t be funding their lives. If there was anybody with him it is going to be hard for him not to talk to lessen his sentence, he will have to give up other people. This could get real ugly. Some of these bloggers have made a living off of R. Kelly now that the gravy train is gone. What is done in the dark will come to the light.