Eric Trump was busted on Wednesday for tweeting a fake viral video of what he claimed was someone burning dozens of ballots cast in favor of his father, President Donald Trump.
As the final result of the 2020 election remained undecided, the President’s son retweeted a video that purported to show a man torching 80 ballots for Trump in Virginia Beach, Virginia.https:
The city of Virginia Beach, however, proved Eric Trump’s post was fake.
“Those were sample ballots,” the city responded to Trump on Twitter.
“A concerned citizen shared a video with us that shows someone burning ballots,” the city said in a statement on its website. “They are NOT official ballots, they are sample ballots.”
Officials responded “the absence of the bar code markings that are on all official ballots” in a screenshot from the video.
“Fire investigators are looking into the illegal burning,” the city added.
The account that originally posted the clip has now been suspended.
Eric Trump, who late Wednesday lied that his father had already won Pennsylvania, has not deleted his own tweet. They are some power hungry fools; they all have to go. The gig is up; they are all phonies. Trump just played golf for 4 year and the first 2 years Senator Paul Ryan was president for two years. He got every thing he wanted and retired.