Eddie Glaude Jr. gives the best explanation of what happened at the Capitol. This is a country of racism and it sucks. Life is hard in America. It is hard for poor people and this is what causes crime in a country where the majority populatio has privilege. We don’t have the same opportunities as the majority population. The very nature of conservatism is to keep things the way that they are. In doing so you keep minority children from getting a good education and in doing so you continue to strengthen prison pipelines. Now that jails are on the stock market like cattle we need to keep people coming. Bill Clinton’s policy put more minority men in jail than anything. And at the time gangs were out of control because of the vile movie Colors. This was a recruitment film and at the very same time Gangster Rap grew all over America like New jack City. If a child has to eat they will steal to eat but they won’t sit there and starve. It is documented that President Ronald Reagan was the one who allowed crack cocaine in California to fund the country. When you look at America the majority population think they are an endangered species-nothing could be further from the truth. As long as you control resources you are in power. While you don’t have a anything to worry about, America will always be in their control. You had a 400-year head start. It is no catching up with you. I will attach the evidence for President Ronald Reagan. The movie series Snowfall addresses this in a good way.
This is why black kids get into drugs to eat.