If you blame the Nation of Islam for this you are completely wrong you need to blame other religions for the murder of black people and all people. Christianity should be blamed for slavery. Islam should be blamed for all wars no money and man causes wars and the excuse is religion. The monetary system of the world is to blame for all wars. The spoils of war are to control the resources. That is how Europeans colonized Africa. So don’t make causation religion it is just a young man who is sick in this covid world. If he was a follower of the Nation of Islam he would have had a job. He could have sold papers until he got on his feet. In closing don’t blame The nation of Islam for not being responsible for his death or the police. There is nobody in the Nation of Islam that would have supported this horrible act. That is a fact.
Noah the suspect in the death of a Capitol Police officer described himself on Facebook as a follower of Elijah, the leader of the Nation of Islam, who has repeatedly promoted anti-Semitism.
Noah R. Green the suspect, 25, was identified by two law enforcement officials and a congressional official. He was from Indiana and died after being shot by the Capitol Police.
On Facebook, Mr. Green had posted speeches and articles written by Mr. Farrakhan and Elijah Muhammad, who led the Nation of Islam from 1934 to 1975, that discussed the decline of America. Two law enforcement officials confirmed that the Facebook page, which was taken down on Friday, had belonged to Mr. Green.
Mr. Green posted on Facebook about his personal struggles, especially during the pandemic.
“To be honest, these past few years have been tough, and these past few months have been tougher,” he wrote. “I have been tried with some of the biggest, unimaginable tests in my life. I am currently now unemployed, after I left my job, partly due to afflictions.”
Noah also spoke on Facebook about the “end times” and the anti-Christ. On March 17, he posted a photo of a donation he had made to the Norfolk, Va., chapter of the Nation of Islam, along with a video of a Farrakhan speech titled “The Divine Destruction of America.”

Later that day, he encouraged his friends to join him in studying the teachings of Mr. Farrakhan and Mr. Muhammad.
Mr. Green was born in West Virginia, attended high school in Virginia, then enrolled in Glenville State College where he played football before transferring to Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Va. He played defensive back on the Christopher Newport football team and graduated in 2019 with a degree in finance.
In December 2020, Noah tried to change his name to Noah Zaeem Muhammad but failed to appear at his hearing in Indianapolis last Tuesday.
The Nation of Islam is a Black nationalist movement that has advocated African-American self-sufficiency.