Right side of history
Source: Right side of history
Being on the right side of history has always been important to me it took 4 years and many black lives killed for people to see what Colin Kaepernick was taking a knee for. When white America thinks of police they think to protect and serve. When blacks think of police they think of occupying and destroy a community and people. George Floyd’s death is an awakening of sorts, white America did not know what it was like to be black male, female, and child that black life could be taken by police in a blink of an eye. It’s sad they can kick our door at will, kill us, make a mistake and don’t serve anytime for that. Soldiers can face jail time for killing unarmed civilians in other countries. Because the military understands innocent lives matter. This beat your ass first mentality in our police department. This is a product of our lack of gun control in this country. We have a lot to do we need to get it done don’t give up the fight. Colin could have been a little boy and kept his job. Instead, he was man that wanted to save his community. Colin is on the right side of history.