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The journalist Sarah Smarsh grew up on a farm in rural Kansas, in “the sort of poverty that qualifies for...
Mikael Stanne, vocalist for Dark Tranquillity and The Halo Effect, recently spoke with Metal Hammer and named the 10 death...
Saber Interactive Ladies FirstSacha Baron Cohen and Rosamund Pike are set to star in the Netflix romantic-comedy feature “Ladies First”...
Congrats to the couple! Koreaboo 21 minutes ago Actress Kim Ha Young is reportedly dating a former singer. Park Sang...イングランド/リーズ拠点のオルタナティヴロックバンド KOYOが、10/4に88 Wattからリリースしたニューシングル 'Electric Eel'のMVを公開!制作は Nay Shoots。11/1発売のニューアルバム『Onism』収録曲。モダンなプログレやサイケな感じがあって、かっこいいリフを弾き倒すバンド。前回記事にした'La Cucaracha'もそうだし、とっておきのリフはとっておかずにイントロからすぐ繰り出す簡潔さが大好き。ショートケーキのいちごがどうのこうの言ってるところに、いちごパック持ってくる感じ。 Posted on 2024.10.10 Source link
West Ham United's midfielder, Lucas Paqueta could be saying his final goodbye to football if he is found guilty by...
With art theft, copyright issues, and vandalism at their peak, it is sufficient to say that art spaces have become...
Callan Uncovered is a collection of the Callan short stories written by James Mitchell. Mitchell was the creator and main...
Nach dem Mega-Erfolg im vergangenen Jahr wurde Die Verräter – Vertraue Niemandem! auf RTL+ um zwei neue Staffeln verlängert. Die...
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