Artist Turns Visitor’s Bad Reviews into Interesting Posters

Amber Share spins negative comments to hilarious posters inviting people to visit National Park.

Amber Share, a part of “Subpar Parks”. Courtesy of Artist.

Are you a nature lover? If yes, how do you respond to negative comments about natural scenery? Amber Share has a unique way of responding to bad comments about America’s National Park. She spins bad reviews of National Park visitors to satirical and funny posters. These amusing posters are compiled into a book, entitled Subpar Parks.

Amber Share, a part of “Subpar Parks”. Courtesy of Artist.

Amber Share is a North Carolina-based lettering artist. Her works are inspired by her love of nature and outdoor activities. She received the American Graphic Design Award in 2018 and 2019.


Share creates colorful and retro style posters that combines visitor’s bad review with beautiful scenery picture. It becomes paradoxical artwork that presents contradicting text and image. It reminds me of René Magritte’s “Ceci n’est pas une pipe” (This is not a pipe). The obvious mismatch between text and image often demands further interpretation. Foucault interpreted Magritte’s painting as the fragments of an unraveled calligram, telling a truth: “this is not a pipe”, but rather “a drawing/ a painting/a representation of pipe”. 

René Magritte “Ceci n’est pas une pipe” (This is not a pipe).


Contradicting text and image in a design triggers the viewers to create meaning of the messages by themselves. The meaning of this work does not arise from the text alone, or the images alone, but from the interaction between text and image.

 Amber Share, a part of “Subpar Parks”. Courtesy of Artist.

Amber Share integrates comments like “pretty ugly”, “amazingly boring”, and “somewhat uninteresting” with wonderful natural scenery images. 


She writes in Subpar Parks’s Instagram account, “Funny, because I am COMPLETELY uninterested in what this person thinks about @whitemountainforest. Just the tallest mountain in the northeast, plus plenty of activities to keep you (somewhat) entertained year round, including spring wildflowers, mild summers perfect for hiking, fall foliage, and winter sports galore.” 

 Amber Share, a part of “Subpar Parks”. Courtesy of Artist.

Share’s artworks aim to flip the one-star review to the sort of positive thing. For her, a negative review is not a bug, but a feature that invites more people to visit that place.


Amber Share’s Subpar Parks can be ordered on 

 Amber Share, a part of “Subpar Parks”. Courtesy of Artist.

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