Dave Stewart company
I am a black man and this holiday is not known because of white supremacy and it was no big deal. I heard of it I never personally celebrated it. Clearly I have been brainwashed and told the 4th of July was my independence day. That was the day Crispus Attucks was the first body to fall in the revolutionary war. And when it was done fought and over he would have to go back being somebody’s property how sad is that. That blacks has fought in every war alongside white men and we don’t have our freedom. We could not get the GI Bill to get a house like white men did to build wealth. We are suffering to this day. White people have a tendency to point Ophra Winfrey, Tyler Perry, and they leave Dave Stewart of World Wide Technology out. He is one of the most successful black men in America. They want you to see Jay Z and Beyonce and a host of sports stars. But leave out one thing if they are successful they are businessmen. Blacks have to build up the black wall street. We can whenever but don’t blow it up if we become successful again. 1968 is not that long ago and we made great strides. We need reparations we need racism to end now. We got 400 years to catch up and that might be a long time. More white people don’t like celebrating MLK day they would rather be at work. I want my house to be the same value in black neighborhoods as in a white neighborhood. I don’t want to leave my schools in my community so my kids get a good education. I want health care for everyone, We need real change, not another day off unless that comes $400,000 dollars for every black person American men, women, and child. We got that MLK day and you’re still killing us. So don’t put rich black people in our face that have to be stars to make it. Have some incredible talent that’s god given. We need more Dave Stewarts I don’t care about his political associations. Just a black man that made million God’s way.