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Zeal And Ardor “Grief” (2024)


Now a seasoned act, Zeal And Ardor’s third full length has soured in lack of reverence. I’d previously been enamored with their dreary, foreboding yet somehow colored fusion of Black Metal, Chain Gang chants and Electronics. This re-imagining of the genres anti religion inspirations birthed excitement. Unique atmospheres and musical oddities emerged from this exploration, both in concept and execution. Powerful themes and striking compositions, twisting both aesthetics and melodic expectations, yet somehow packaged for consumption. This promising act delivered some amazing experiences in years but on this outing, those ideas run short.

Grief retreads familiar themes, lacking cunning for the shock and awe that surprised beforehand. Leaning on dreary atmospheres, the album routinely tries to foray into theatrical lullabies, toned down interludes with subtle instrumentation, striding for something grandiose, emotional and impacting. The vision gets broken up by the bands various shades, leaning into particulars rather than fusing them together.

Mediocrity and tone rotation seems to dispel each songs magic. Plenty of interesting aesthetics and compositions individually emerge but rarely do they converge. Clawing Out is one excellent track that does this. Dissonant guitar noise and creepy whispered chats lure us into the eerie as hastening guitar riffs jostle for impact. Increasing tensions loop over, building on prior ideas before striking us with gratifying siren synths and a thudding distorted bass drum. Its a rhythmic oddity that just works.

Une Ville Vide was another unique cut, a cozy yet mysterious keyboard piece more akin to a Dungeon Synth record. Other than those two songs, not much resonated with me. I do however appreciate the craft. This experience strikes me as being more about my own personal mood than the record itself. I expected a lot more but left sadly quite disappointed. I’m interested to look up the broader reception this received.

Rating: 5/10

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