WOTLK Classic Gold Farming – Methods for Common Classes

Hey folks, the release date of the WOTLK Classic is getting closer, thus for the last couple of days I was always be asked about the gold grinding methods that every single class could do without any spec requirements. So today I would like to introduce some gold farming methods you may ignored. It is really easy to do, so let’s take a look.

Honors Gems:

The first thing is to make sure you can complete battlegrounds daily quest, by doing these things you will get a lot of honors, with this honors you can spend in Stormwind City and purchase different epic gems.

Each of these gems costs 1425 honor, so by completing the daily quest in Hellfire Fortifications you will have enough honor for one of these gems. On top of this, you can also grind enough honor by doing Alterac Valley, and probably purchase between two or three of these gems every single hour.

The most important tips on this method is make sure to scan the Auction House and find out the most expensive type of gems every time before you try to convert your honor into a specific gem. Do not waste to many time on the cheap one just in case.


Here is another thing I would recommend you to do, if you have a gather profession and you like to farm in The Burning Crusade (TBC) content well then make sure to head to Shattrath City and pick up this quest. In this quest you’re told to collect eight nether residues, and this you can collect them in TBC either by doing skinning, mining or herbalism.

Once you have collected all eight nether residues, head back to Shattrath City, get your rewards of 16 gold and your Major Rejuvenation potion. So it’s an easy way to get some additional gold if you’re already farming with gather professions in Burning Crusade.

Daily Quests:

On top of this if you’ve struggled with gold, make sure to always do the daily quests on Isle of Quel’Danas, and you can even pick up some quests in Shattrath City and Hellfire Fortifications as well. By completing all the different daily quests, you can easily collect around 200 WOW WOTLK Classic Gold every single day.

Additionally, I know it sounds like a crap but I still highly recommend all of your guys have a Retribution Paladin in your account for gold farming. More new and hard dungeons will open with releasing of the WOTLK Classic, guess who is the best spec on dungeons solo?

Yes, the Retribution Paladin, high damage, high HP, invincible skills with easy mechanism, there is no reason you should miss him. I guarantee that your gold farming experiences will be on a brand new level when you use Retribution Paladin in the dungeons solo or daily quests.

Third Party Suppliers:

I believe that most of us have faced the same issues that we can not play it whole day just for grinding golds or XP, I have to admit that gold farming takes us a lot of energies and time. Thus for most of us it is important to ask help from other ways. Except flipping in the Auction House – it takes tons of time as well – buying extra gold from sellers is a good strategy for your gold gaining.

Thus is there any tips on trading webs choosing? Actually yes, it has. As one of the TBC players who experienced lied, cheated, slow delivery and personal information losing, I think I have the perspective on that.

First thing is never believe any individual sellers in the game, unless you know him or her well in real life but it is quite common that some players just give you some advantages first and then tell you they have good price on gold, as long as you paid, you will never find them anymore. So choose a third-party web will help you reduce those issues a lot.

Secondly remember keep your personally information always under the security. Through the whole trading process, there is no need for your extra messages unless purchase itself. Careful about it when someone ask you.

Finally is about the price and delivery. Actually price is always uncertain according to the updates, but delivery speed is the key aspect. I suggest that you can check it through the rating web, and read some reviews from the customers. From the posted comments you can know more details about those webs.

If you ask me about any recommended trading websites, I think MMOWTS.com is amazing. Cheap price, fast delivery and it started doing the WOW gold business for a long time. I used this web in TBC early, and I think it is still my priority trading web in WOTLK Classic as well.

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