Wode Maya Africa the African way with respect. Namibia Explored

How The Himba Tribe Offers Sex For Visitors & Bath With No Water! Africa's Most Underrated Country-NAMIBIA

We need to take the mystery away from Africa, the Himba is a tribe that keeps it simple and you need to see who they are. The animal is important to do a lot of ceremonies. There is some animal slaughter. Need a wife? It is not expensive to get a wife. He handles this with respect. Shower with no water. The animals or the only source of living.  Himba did not want them to kill the cows.  A man living with animals for life. Polygamy is allowed. They get everything from animal’s food, including clothing, so animals are really important. A house is built with cow dung and clay. Other people show them like they are savages but they are peaceful people.

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