Will Smith Movie ‘Emancipation’ Will No Longer Film in Georgia

Will Smith

The newly passed Voting Rights Bill is having a direct impact on the state’s economy, as many film producers are choosing not to start their filming there. Over the last five years, Georgia has been one of the most frequent states where filming has taken place.

The state’s weather and natural environment are filled with places where directors can make their films. However, the politicians of the State of Georgia are causing not only filmmakers to leave the area, but also many large and small businesses that are fundamental for Georgia’s economy. The Emancipation project is just the latest of a long list of businesses that are leaving Georgia.

The voting law passed in late March by Governor Brian Kemp has caused actor Will Smith and director Antoine Fuqua to shut down and remove its production of Emancipation within the state of Georgia.

“At this moment in time, the Nation is coming to terms with its history and is attempting to eliminate vestiges of institutional racism to achieve true racial justice,” said Smith and Fuqua in a joint statement Monday.

“We cannot in good conscience provide economic support to a government that enacts regressive voting laws that are designed to restrict voter access,” they said. “The new Georgia voting laws are reminiscent of voting impediments that were passed at the end of Reconstruction to prevent many Americans from voting. Regrettably, we feel compelled to move our film production work from Georgia to another state.”

This is the first time a film production has started filming in Georgia and then stopped due to politics. Emancipation is a film about an enslaved man named Whipped Peter who is emancipated during the Civil War and joins the Union Army. For over a decade, Georgia has become a popular place to shoot films and TV shows due to the state’s tax incentives.

According to many sources, people believe that the new voters measure will make it more difficult for citizens of Georgia to cast their ballots during elections. The bill has many provisions, including a portion that makes it illegal to provide food and water to voters that are waiting in line outside of their polling stations and requires mandatory proof of identification for absentee voting. As of right now, it is unclear where Emancipation will continue filming.

Even though the producers were set on Georgia on being the filming destination, it is a good thing that they were not far along in the production process when they decided to leave the state. This would make it challenging for the director and producers to finish the project.

The good news is that the screenplay is intriguing and it is starring Will Smith, who is a certified action hero who has only made one mistake when choosing a film. Over 20 years ago, Smith had the opportunity to play Neo in the Matrix and he turned it down in order to star in Wild Wild West. Every creative decision he has made since then has been right on the money, and Emancipation sounds like it is going to be another blockbuster hit for Smith.

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