Why Africans were Historically Viewed as a Threat

Greatest lies told about Africa, Africa was looted for all of its art

NOTE: Some of the language in this article is of a racial nature and may be offensive to some parties. 5.4.21

The video is just produced as an opinion. The Africans are the first people. Ethiopians were the first civilized people. And this was a problem for the majority now. So other Arab and  European groups  used to castrate Africans so they would not impregnate the women of other races. They used the natural resources  and took advantage of Africa. The first of black people were the most educated and most resourceful.  Genetic annellation of white people this one drop rule is developed to keep track of  the biracial people. The Moors identified with Arab parents. The Arab was impressed with Ghana’s wealth and the Arab and Europeans wanted their Gold. This is why is Black Wall Street was attacked,  They can not have black people around the globe sticking together. Black people are not wanting to control the world. Pan African movements is the problem to America and other nations notice they have helped Mexico, China, Japan and everybody with white skin. But dark people have had to be colonized. Even in their own homeland. So no helping Africa Just divide and conquer. Africa is a “shit hole” country just like ghettos in America they are created by the power that Europeans. This is a direct result of the fear of the black planet.  Blacks just want to be left alone. But the KKK and other hate groups just want to spread lies about black people and blame all that is wrong in America on people of color. The only thing people of color hurt is each other. We for the most rarely cross racial line with our hate. And when we do we don’t get judge and Jury we get killed on the spot butt naked with our hands up.  So let’s just start the discussion of how to make it better.



The greatest lie that is Africans were savages. That Africans sold black into slavery another lie they stole from our land period. The Africans had no written language. Writing form was for religious purpose.  The lies told about Africa religions curse of Ham is a lie. This lie was told to us. It was done to justify slavery.. Black people are not cursed. So Europeans stole black peoples art and it is so sad at every level blacks have been taking advantage of. Think if Africans had stolen the Queens Jewel and would not give them back it would be war.


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