Whites Angered By America Changing & Radicalized By Replacement Theory Reveal A Persistent Evil

All of this Make America Great again is responsible for this hate we are all Americans and it does matter our race. This is Trump’s Responsibility and The police take this man alive who killed 10 people. And Police can’t take unarmed black men alive. This is the hate Donald Trump built with his rise to power to embolden white supremacists who had their King Trump in office. He wanted to bomb the Mexican cartel. White supremacists think killing minorities is the problem truth be told until racism is dead in America this will be commonplace.

I knew this was coming after the January 6th overthrow of the government. This animal needs the death penalty but it does not exist. But this is really horrible all radical media should be held responsible. Donald Trump’s media should be held responsible. These empty-headed robots have no clue they think Trump is God. Kyle Rittenhouse got away with murder and all the rich people who love trump came to his defense Donald Trump met with this killer and his mother took him over there to kill white men. When he did not get time black people don’t stand a chance. This killer thought he would be a media darling also.

Prosecutors charged Payton Gendron, the 18-year-old Buffalo shooting suspect, with first-degree murder after being accused of killing 10 people in a supermarket. The US Department of Justice is investigating the shooting “as a hate crime and an act of racially-motivated violent extremism,” according to a statement from US Attorney General Merrick Garland. Gendron pleaded not guilty, this is really sad on camera, and proud of what he was doing so sad.

Liz Cheney@Liz_CheneyThe House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. History has taught us that what begins with words ends in far worse. @GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them.

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