White Privilege and the police vs Black death video evidence

Capitol Riot officer description of the day. 4 hr in a fight with capitol riot. Cops treat white people different.

We need to see the difference, black lives don’t matter. White lives get all the breaks and they matter. This is a real sad state of affairs in this country we call home. We need to see and watch this jaywalking is not something that deserves death. Make him stop and cause his death. The Capitol was taken over and just one person died trying to get in and overturn the government and tried to kill our leaders and police helped people down the street. It is unreal on how easy it is for a black man to die while their white counterparts can have guns and kill people and live. Humanity is asking for equal treatment.

The difference

white privilege Vs being black with  the police

Flash cops with high beams and get killed. white boy punched the cop.

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