“What on Earth have you photographed?”, BigPicture Natural World Photography Exhibition 2020

Source: https://photocontestdeadlines.com/

BigPicture will hold its Natural World Photography Exhibition 2020, at the California Academy of Sciences, from July-October 2020. This exhibition is featuring award-winning photos of BigPicture Natural world photography competition. The themes of photos range from terrestrial wildlife, aquatic life, flora, landscapes, to the relation of humans and nature. The key question of this exhibition is “What on earth have you photographed?”

Here are some award-winning photos of BigPicture Natural World Photography competition in this exhibition:
“Hare Ball”, by Andy Parkinson

“Hare Ball”, by Andy Parkinson

Source: https://www.bigpicturecompetition.org/2020-winners

Hare Ball is a fascinating photo by Andy Parkinson–a contributing photographer of National Geographic. This photo was taken at Tomatin, Scotland. It reveals how hard hare struggle to survive in the winter. Hare belong to the same family as rabbits, but has longer ears. Hare rolls themselves into a ball to keep heat from his body and reduce exposure on the surfaceHare Ball is the grand-prize winner of this competition.

“Frozen Mobile Home”, by Greg Lecoeur

“Frozen Mobile Home”, by Greg Lecoeur

Source: https://www.bigpicturecompetition.org/2020-winners

Frozen Mobile Home was taken in an Antarctic Peninsula, by Greg Lecoeur–an underwater and wildlife photographer. This stunning photo was portrayed during Lecoeur’s expedition to see what’s happening in Antarctica when global warming and climate change occurs. Increasing temperature causes a rapid decrease of the land and sea ice–where seals are resting, mating, and giving birth. Declining amount of the ice also reduces the habitat of algae, krill, and plankton–that provide food for other marine creatures. This photo is the best in the “aquatic life” category. By this photo, Greg Lecoeur is also named as underwater photographer of the year 2020.

“Guardian Warriors”, by Ami Vitale

“Guardian Warriors”, by Ami Vitale

Source: https://www.bigpicturecompetition.org/2020-winners

Guardian Warriors is a photo series by Amy Vitale that tells about the caregivers of orphaned animals. Ami Vitale is a photographer of National Geographic and a Nikon Ambassador. This photo was taken at Reteti Elephant Sanctuary, Kenya. In this photo, a young giraffe looks like its giving a hug to the caregiver of orphaned animals. Now, the young giraffe has lived in his wild habitat. This photo series is the best in category of “photo story: coexistence”.

“Guardian Warriors”, by Ami Vitale

Source: https://www.bigpicturecompetition.org/2020-winners

These photographs are vital to maintaining the struggle of nature preservation. The photos make nature speaks to us. In Jacques Ranciere’s term, the photographs translate nature’s silence discourse into sentences. The silence discourse of nature in this photograph shows and alerts us on the suffering caused by environmental damages and the importance of nature preservation.

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