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What is Arts Criticism in 2023?

Who decides what art means? - Hayley Levitt

Perspective and Arts Criticism

I trained in writing during many levels of my education and I feel comfortable describing myself as an arts critic. However, I must admit that I had preconceived notions about what being an arts critic entails. Initially, I believed it was mandatory for all critics to apply the same literary structures throughout all of their pieces. After conducting research and writing thousands of articles, it became apparent that arts criticism does not have to be mundane.

I believe it is important to examine the concept of writing in the first-person. Arts criticism can be written in the first, second or third-person. Most of the criticism you’ll find in academia is written in the third person. However, after several years of my writing journey, I now realize that I like using the first-person perspective to provide context and describe the authenticity of the works that I examine. I enjoy the creative process of using my experience and knowledge to inform others on their journeys.

Arts Criticism as All-Encompassing

Writers can approach arts criticism in a variety of ways. The concept has more than one definition. The various mediums and genres of artistic disciplines are diverse in their composition, functionality and what they represent to the world. If I had to create only one definition for the term, I would probably say something like “the appreciation and evaluation of all creative disciplines.” Even though there is nothing wrong with this short definition, it doesn’t reflect the magnitude and impact the arts have on people around the world. Rather than searching for the perfect definition, it may be wise for me to use my time actually being an arts critic rather than trying to find the perfect words to describe the concept. Although an all-encompassing definition may not be possible, it is certainly true that arts criticism provides emphasis on all of the creative disciplines, everything from visual art to modern technology.

I believe it is the critics role to shine a spotlight on a piece of art, describe its composition, aesthetics and why it is important for the observer. All art has a purpose, but great pieces of art make creative statements about a place in time that needs to be viewed by the world. Having this responsibility as an arts critic is one of the best parts about being one. Arts critics are changed every time they analyze a new piece of art. It feels like all the artists of those creations become a part of your heart and mind. Metaphysically, arts critics are every artist, they have the literary capability to provide an evaluation on any type of art and its significance. Therefore, the arts critic is also an artist. I’ve heard them explained as “literary artist” which I can understand because we take words and turn them into artistic expression. However, it is important to make the distinction that if an arts critic describes his or herself as a literary artist that they are not referring only to the ability to develop criticism for the various types of literature, An arts critic uses their words and thoughts to provide appreciation, promotion and evaluation for any creative discipline. This is not the case for everyone as some people gravitate toward one medium or genre and stick with it, which would make it accurate to describe the writer as a film critic, music critic, theatre critic, etc. I appreciate all of the arts and enjoy developing arts criticism with the various pieces. Some people say that “a jack of all trades is a master of nothing” and I do find this to be a true statement in many circumstances. On the other hand, arts criticism is not about the mastery of anything, and being a jack of all trades is actually helpful as it will allow you to write about any creative subject or object.

The Ongoing Process

The arts critic’s job is never-ending. It would be impossible for a critic to provide analysis on every piece of art that has ever existed. Since we are finite, it would be a good idea to provide criticism on the art that resonates with you on some level, maybe the whirling circles remind you of Jackson Pollock’s works, or the grunge sound of that new song is reminiscent of Nirvana and the music of Seattle. Arts critics have the ability to direct the observer to a unique creative perspective, that they will only get from that one specific writer. Arts criticism needs many writers, as this will increase the number of perspectives provided to observers.

Arts criticism is also about establishing communities and artistic unity. The result of these actions is collaboration. When artists from different mediums collaborate on art it not only presents more opportunities for criticism but can have a significant place in the world by creating jobs, raising money for good causes and creating new styles of art that have never been seen before.

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