What Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities are in Telecommunications?



The telecommunications critical infrastructure features a number of unique challenges, and represents one of the most significant CIs to protect due to its interdependency with other CIs. Even though other CIs are owned and operated by the private sector, there is more private ownership of telecommunications when compared to other CIs. America’s IT infrastructure depends heavily on the management of telecommunications by privately-owned internet service providers, or ISPs, which makes the process of securing this critical infrastructure more challenging.

Human Error and Networked Controls

Also, one of the most frequent vulnerabilities is human error in which employees lack the ability to apply appropriate knowledge when handling networks and SCADA controls. Like many of its interdependent CIs, telecommunications possess a significant vulnerability as the SCADA controls have been removed from isolated networks and placed on the internet. This makes the telecommunications CI more susceptible to threat agents like worms and viruses that can compromise s network and lead to the degradation of SCADA controls, espionage or attacks on networks.


The telecommunications CI holds a special responsibility for ensuring the functions of the Department of Homeland Security are carried out; the interdependency of telecommunications has a direct result on the transportation and energy CIs, for example. If a threat agent is able to compromise one component of a telecommunications network, it could subsequently prevent the transportation of key American resources or prevent energy from reaching parts of the country.


There is constant debate over whether the Federal government should get involved in creating new policies and regulations in regards to the telecommunications and other CIs; however, the political element is very divisive in the United States and no politicians wants to adopt such policies that can be view as restrictive to growth for American businesses.


I think that telecommunications will be a greater focus on American national security going forward; for example, if the nation were to adopt Richard Clarke’s depiction of the Defense Triad, then politicians would become aware of the greater need of providing security for the ISPs. I think this would encourage policy-makers to discover ways in which to make recommendations or best practices for private-sector ISPs to follow and provide them with incentives for adopting policy even though the Federal government cannot force them to since they are privately-held.

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