Wendy Williams , Judge Joe Brown and DL Hugely Brown have opposing views on the Cosby release.

Wendy said she does not care about  Cosby and Judge Brown said mob rule is not the rule of law. Throughout history, black men have had to deal with mob rule, particularly being lynched by mob rule. The rule of law you are innocent until proven innocent (or guilty). This is our system mob of rule and it does not work. Black Wall Street is the biggest example of this and the East St. Louis Mob that killed people. Bill Cosby is not the only one responsible for inappropriate behavoir toward women, take took at the drugs, and the people who willingly visited him (as a married man) and came back the next day. They went after low hanging fruit. Double Jeopardy is wrong DL Hugely said. Judge Joe brown said you can’t protect someone from being stupid..


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