Weekly Wrap-Up #189 – September 15th, 2024


I’m connecting up once again with Kimberly at Caffeinated Reviewer.

Sunday was a cool morning, perfect for sleeping in. Even though I got a couple texts as I was trying to keep sleeping. So I got up about 8:30 and got dressed and ran out to have breakfast at Burger King, haven’t had it in a while, and I like their Croissan’wich. Then I went to the grocery store. That was a necessary thing because I was out of the picked rotisserie chicken that is what I give the dogs for their treats. Then I came back home and did a bunch of blogging, visiting blogs, etc. Went to my brother’s house for dinner.

Monday I had taken the day off because my dad had knee replacement surgery, so I planned to help my stepmom get him back in the house afterwards. It was out patient surgery, so he went home in the afternoon. In the evening I had a Zoom meeting for one of the library committees I’m on. Then I did some blogging, and watched some tv, and got some rest for having to go back to work on Tuesday. Argyle had been missing the neighbors’ dogs since they were camping, and as soon as I got home from my dad’s, I saw the neighbors were home, and this was Argyle at the fence barking at them.

Tuesday was a pretty easy day at school. I didn’t have any lessons to teach. It was block day so they didn’t put the hall sweep kids in the library all hour. My clerk was there all day, although she is going to be in the other position all day on Wednesday, and is interviewing for that job on Friday. I’m just at the point that it is what it is now. I filled out some applications for possible library jobs for next school year in the district where I live and where I graduated from. In the evening I had a Zoom meeting for my current district about piloting some AI programs the district might want to buy into. Then I went and visited my stepdad’s grave now that the headstone is there. I brought some flowers in Chiefs colors, since he would have been watching of course. My mom had put some nice fall flowers in the vase before I got there. She’s been dealing with selling her Branson house, and the seller’s agent she is working with seems to be working more for the buyers than she is for my mom, so that has stressed her out, and she’d gone down during the day to get the rest of her stuff out of the house. Of course all that made her emotional. Because she doesn’t have to sell the house, but she knows it isn’t worth keeping for just herself.

Wednesday morning I dropped my dogs off at my friend’s house before work. She does the best job at getting Dora’s toenails done for me, and I asked if she’d watch them overnight. She said she would, so I was able to have a nice night with no dogs making me go outside constantly and was able to get some blogging and just relaxing done. Work was a fast day, no classes for me other than some teachers coming down to check out books with small classes. My clerk was up in the other spot all day, and I’m guessing she’ll be there and get that job. I did work on preparing my Hispanic Heritage Month display, and also planning what to do with Banned Books week the week after that.

Thursday was another busy day. Besides my clerk being pulled all day again, they did the hall sweeps in the library again, and boy were there some lovely behaved children in there today. Plus we had the woman who comes to help students who are interested in jobs while they are in high school, helps with deciding what they’re interested in, interviewing skills, and helps find jobs. When she’s there I end up having to call over the intercom into classrooms to have those students come to the library to meet with her. And I hate doing that. After school I went to my friend’s house to pick up my two dogs, and also spent time with the puppies before we went home. Like, how adorable are these little puppy paws?!!!!

Friday was a fast day at school. There had been supposedly some threats made about our high school on social media, but as the district didn’t think they were credible, we still had school. Of course they did up the security around the school. Not sure what good that does when we don’t have metal detectors for students or people coming in. Tons of students did not come in, and at the end of the day a bunch of students had parents come pick them up. Who knows if there was more info or not. Anyway, I got to teach a few classes, although most of the kids had been with their actual English class already. A few of the classes were not great behaviors. And the teacher wasn’t the greatest at helping. My clerk was gone all day, and I know she had her interview in the afternoon, but haven’t heard how it went. I’m pretty much resigned that they’ll be hiring her, don’t know why they wouldn’t. In the evening I went to the movies with my mom.

Saturday was a nice sleep in morning. The night before my dad had said he wanted to meet at the Caribou coffee for our usual Saturday get together. But on Saturday morning my stepmom texted and said to just come over to their house like we’d originally planned. I also had to go to the post office, and to buy a birthday card and gift for my sister-in-law because we were having her birthday at a dinner on Saturday night. I also got the Super Bowl Chiefs Barbie that I ordered back in March I think?

First was a book I bought last year when the new romance store opened in KC, and I posted my review this past week. Second was an e-galley that I completely forgot to share I downloaded, probably because it was right about the same time my stepdad passed away, and my blogging was a bit out of it for a few weeks. I posted my review of it yesterday. Third was the audiobook I started for the next Gateway possibility. It was so good! The review will be posted in the L-L-L-Little Reviews at the end of September.




So I started listening to one of my last purchases on Audible, and just couldn’t get into it, even though it was an author I usually love. So I returned it, and got this one instead.

Bookish Stuff:

I got the September Picklegram from J.J. Knight this week. It was this adorable bottle opener!


All of these were from publishers. Two are in January, the middle one I think is in November or the beginning of December.

Free Ebooks:

All of these were freebies on Amazon.

Physical books:

I’ve read both of these, or should I say listened to the audiobooks. The author is going to be in Kansas City at the beginning of October, so I needed to buy copies to have autographed. The ticket price for the event includes his latest book, which I haven’t read yet.

So I had extended my Starz subscription till this month because they offered a $1.99 for 3 months deal. Well, when I went to cancel, now they offered a 6 months for $19.99 and I took it because the second half of the 7th season is coming out in November, and I can keep watching the seasons that aren’t on Netflix yet this way too. I’ll probably cancel for sure though in February, as I’ll be waiting for the 8th and final season later next year, plus then it goes to like $45 for 6 months. So yeah, I’m still rewatching Outlander over and over, it is comforting to have on in the background for me when I’ve had a stressful day. Plus I am finishing up Evil on Paramount+ so I can cancel that too.

Went and saw this movie with my mom Friday night. It was good, although if it wasn’t for the stupid stuffed rabbit, they might have all gotten away safe earlier.

All of these are e-galleys. I’d hoped to get the first one read last week so I could keep up with reviews, but didn’t quite get it done. I think I’ve also got a blog tour with an author interview this week, and a promo post.

Don’t forget I added in a monthly wrap-up giveaway again because my read ARC pile was getting big again! It just started this past week and goes till the end of the month.

How is your September going so far? We’re now halfway through! I’m always excited for October since it is my birthday and all things spooky month!

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