We Want Them Infected’: Chris Hayes On Emails Revealing Truth Of Trump Covid Plan | All In | MSNBC

Trump killed 300,000 and counting Americans on purpose with no regard for life. He should be held responsible for all 300,000 deaths. I have been screaming from the top of my lungs that this President did not give a damn about the people he was trying to get everybody sick. And when he got sick they did not let him die. They gave him and his friends experimental drugs to stop the infection in its tracks. Chris Christy, Mayor Giuliani, and Trump should have all had the same treatment every other American had to take which led to their deaths. This should go down as the most criminal acts in presidential history. But it wants him will just say he thought Sweden was the smartest people in the world and this was what they are doing so we should too. That mess backfired and Sweden locked the country down. How in the world do think it is okay to kill black people and brown and old people that just living their lives. You would think this was some kind of joke. But it was not. It was the plan to get all of us sick and then it will be okay. Okay for who when the president God sick he had a whole floor and he was trying to look like a strong man. Walking out on stage to Macho Man how sick can you be.

I hope Republicans are happy they protected this liar and ignorant man. He has got to be one of the dumbest Presidents in history. Should have impeached he was immoral and was using religious people to get out the vote he killed all these Americans because of his inability to listen to science and people who know better. This is just sick, so what is next now we are going to be a divided country because Trump is there God. He was playing God and killed Americans. He was doing all that to keep his economy strong because he wanted to be President for Another 4years. He is doing all he can to keep power and now thank God he has been voted to Trump out. He was responsible for sending young people around to infect people. This is doing just the opposite of what we needed we needed a real leader we got a damn fool.

In closing our government did this mess on purpose. This was not a mistake it was to get Trump reelected this will be the worst President in history. He was the rich man President. Obama should of let Joe Biden Run against Trump from the beginning we would have not been in this mess. Back Hillary was a big mistake and he could have let Joe run 4 years ago and Republicans should have had better people running against Trump. Fox News is also Responsible for the deaths of 300,000 people because they would not confront this liar and put on front street with all of his deceptions. In closing, it is getting worst this mess. God will need him more now than ever.


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