Watch Rwandan President Kagame Adress Questions on Human Rights

Rwanda is beautiful people and country.

Rwanda has beautiful people in its country I know first hand because my son has a best friend from Rwanda who is a black man with pride and love for his country. Why do we in other countries try to destroy black countries that are working? But we overlook Egypt that killed an American Journalist. We have to take our hands from trying to spread democracy, is really working for black people? I will say no because in our country blacks don’t have the power or the ability to on the same level as others because the system is made to control them not help them, think about an American citizen Akon is building a city in his parent’s birth country. Name a city the black people built in our country in America Black Wall Street was destroyed. Every city in our country was developed by the majority population, we don’t rule anything. Blacks don’t have any car companies, groceries stores, farms, airports, hotels we don’t own a thing. Rwanda is one of the safest countries in the world.  America kills strong black leaders like Fred Hampton, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Tupac, Nipsey Hussle has all gone because, in my opinion, they are feared people. We need to look in the mirror. The fastest reforming country in the world is Rwanda. Rwanda has grown a lot. All black in this country have been able to do is make gains in sports and entertainment. We still don’t really own a television station. We don’t even own a Facebook that is black. Women are 62% of the parliamentarians and are 50% of the cabinet. Women have equal pay. So, President Kagame is a good leader. 90% of the children have graduated. 87% of citizens become college graduates. I will be publishing on  Rwandan music because it is built on love. Africa is beautiful we don’t have a clue in America because we a used to hell. Black are taught to kill other blacks in our country. The prison pipeline is real. After President Trump called some African countries “shit holes” I just want to show he is a liar all day and night.

My son was in Rwanda a beautiful country and people. His best friend was getting married. My son on the right and his best friend on the left.

My son had a great time in Rwanda

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