WATCH: McConnell votes to acquit, then condemns Trump: Stacey Plaskett Reacts to McConnell Nancy Pelosi said the senate was shut down by McConnell.

Minutes after voting to acquit Donald Trump of the impeachment charge, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said there is still “no question” that Trump was “practically and morally responsible for provoking” the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Watch McConnell’s remarks in the player below.

McConnell said he could not vote to convict Trump because he is “constitutionally not eligible for conviction” because he is no longer president.

He added that a conviction would have created a dangerous precedent that would give the Senate power to convict private political rivals and bar them from holding future office.

McConnell added that impeachment is a “narrow tool for a narrow purpose.”

The Senate voted 57-43 on Saturday to acquit Trump. A conviction required 67 votes.

This is McConnell trying and to get his party back and this is Trump’s party. 74 million people backed Trump. Our system of government is not to punish a president.  McConnell did not back Trump on the riot. Trump is out of office so they can not impeach him. He is doing all he can to save face for his party.  They called him Mr. Trump to make that point. McConnell would not let them come to the floor with impeachment powers. So McConnell gave cover to Trump. It is very sad but true.

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