Washington announces temporary team name after retiring controversial logo, symbol: White supremacy alive and well.

The Washington Redskins is retired and now it going to be called Washington football. The fear of making white men mad is just nauseating at all levels. But when white men get mad it is a civil war. It nothing civil about it. You kill white men to make them act right. The lost the slaves but the government paid the owners reparations for each slave. On April 16, 1862, President Lincoln signed the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act. This law prohibited slavery in the District, forcing its 900-odd slaveholders to free their slaves, with the government paying owners an average of about $300 (equivalent to $8,000 in 2019) for each. So they lost the war and you gave them money. Then the government just gives white men money to farm or not farm. We know it is hard work slaves did it for free for 400 years. You had a chance to call Red Skins the Redtails While they are still surviving members what and honor to the black men that play your game. Can not even have one team named after black heroes. This just Makes me mad on so many levels. But you can have black play your game on your field like they are still slaves. They give up their bodies as slaves did. The slave worked until the day they died. Football players play and go broke because they can’t even buy stock in the teams they built. 19 and 20-year-old men made millionaires overnight and don’t even know what to do with the money. The system is flawed on so many levels. So you can name the team after black heroes shame on you. Redtails would have been perfect. But like the congressman that called a woman of congress fucking bitch white men have been made slavery is over for long while. That was not having to do a damn thing but wake the fuck up. Set on the porch and drink lemon aid or some other tasty beverage wake up. We got a long way to go. This all my opinion with facts.

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