Vladimir Raykov’s ‘How to Build Your Online Teaching Business’ – Book Review

Have you ever wanted to use your teaching skills to work in a remote environment? Several platforms exist that will give you the opportunity to do so. If you look at the opportunities provided by Chegg Tutors and Varsity Tutors, you will find that each company employs thousands of online teachers throughout the U.S. and connects them with students who need their services.

Another good example is VIPKid, a Chinese company that connects native English speakers with Chinese students who are learning English as a second language. The company has grown significantly over the last several years, and the late basketball legend Kobe Bryant invested in the company after he retired from the National Basketball Association (NBA). His endorsement says it all; Kobe Bryant is obsessed with using his skills on and off the court to make life better-in the case of VIPKid-using his resources to educate the next generation of English speakers.

Did you know that you don’t need an already existing platform in order to market your skills as an online teacher? This is where Vladimir Raykov’s book How to Build Your Online Teaching Business is a helpful resource. When you buy the Kindle edition, you will receive a gift from the author. It is a free online training course that features the information present in the book. It is an opportunity to supplement your reading with an informative visual aide.

Due to developments in technology, online teachers must become familiar with how to use emerging tools to the best of their abilities. Vladimir Raykov’s message is to use technical resources to create digital products that provide an ongoing service to students that will create a new stream of income. He suggests that creating original training courses and e-books can produce such a stream for educators who continue to update their technical skills. This doesn’t mean that someone has to know how to code, but rather learn how to leverage existing tools in order to expand their services.

The book starts with seven reasons why you should create an online course that generates income. It also outlines seven common mistakes and how to avoid them. While you are an educator, it is important to pick a niche within the academic concept. If you decide you’d like to be an English teacher, Raykov believes that you can still be more specific. Do you want to reach students in the U.S.? Are you looking to connect with students in other countries? Would you like to specialize in grammar, spelling, reading or writing? After getting as specific as possible, you will have the foundational knowledge to proceed with developing a course or any other digital product.

The author includes some frequently used business models that readers can implement and knowledge that they will find useful when incorporating other business ideas. The book is written with concise language, like the kind you will find in business documents. The author has some excellent information that will not only help English teachers, but those who want to market their skills in other areas. I would recommend this book for someone with a beginner to intermediate understanding of how to market their skills through digital products. I think this book is particularly useful during the brainstorming process, as it will give readers some ideals to reach for throughout their digital marketing journey.

Buy e-book here.

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