Update on Rap Legend DMX: Still On Life Support at White Plains Hospital

Rap legend DMX remains at White Plains Hospital and his family is asking for prayers

Rap legend, DMX remains at White Plains Hospital on life support. His family is asking fans and everyone for prayers hoping he’ll come out alive, but it still remains uncertain.

His manager Steve Rifkind told TMZ, he is currently undergoing some critical tests at the hospital today since his brain activity was very low.  Today, April 7 could determine the outcome of his condition, as X remains in a coma on life support. As reported on Friday, he suffered a heart attack as a result of a drug overdose.

Here’s the YouTube video:

His kids have been allowed to see him one at a time on a limited basis and his mother Arnett Simmons and fiancee’ Desiree Lindstrom have been the only people allowed to see him. Family members visited him Tuesday night and left at 10 PM. His family will determine their decision based on the outcome of his condition and so far, his prognosis doesn’t look good.

We will continue to follow this developing story as more information becomes available.

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