UPDATE: No Murder Charge For Woman Who Shot Black Neighbor Through Door

It’s horrible that black life does not matter. This woman called children the word researched stand your ground and told them to go get their mom and they did she killed her, White privilege is so real in America on this day in America this country has lost their minds, She did not have a gun she shot through the door and she is free a lynching by white women in plain site, God America has lost it minds if this was switched she killed white women she would be charged with murder no doubt.

Susan Louise Lorincz, who neighbors say was racist, will not be facing murder charges after shooting and killing her Black neighbor through her front door. Dr. Rashad Richey and Sharon Reed discuss Indisputable. Tell us what you think in the comments below.

“Florida officials are declining to file murder charges against a white woman who shot and killed her Black neighbor through her locked front door in front of the woman’s young children earlier this month, citing “insufficient evidence,” state attorney Bill Gladson announced in a Monday press release. The white woman, Susan Louise Lorincz, will still face charges for one count of manslaughter with a firearm and one count of assault for killing Ajike Owens, Gladson’s office says.”

The white woman is faking she just wanted to kill a black this shit is fake ass hell she. The woman was going to break down the door she does not tell the truth, she set that black woman up. She is not upset she is just acting it is clear white tears work every time.

This woman is a good Actress she is so full of shit this is fake as hell
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