Ukrainian president says Mariupol maternity hospital strike is “proof” of a “genocide of Ukrainians”

Heroic President Volodymyr Zelensky said the bombing is a war crime a maternity hospital in Mariupol is off-limits “proof of a genocide of Ukrainians taking place” in a video message posted to Telegram late Wednesday night.

“The hospitals are ruined, the schools are ruined, the churches are ruined, ordinary buildings and all the dead people, dead children, he said, adding, “a strike on a maternity hospital is a final proof, proof of a genocide of Ukrainians taking place.”

Zelensky called on Europeans to condemn the “Russian war crime” saying, “Europeans! Ukrainians! Citizens of Mariupol! Today we have to be united in condemning this Russian war crime in which is reflected all the evil that Russian occupants brought to our land.”

President Zelensky addressed Europeans and called on them to ramp up sanctions on Russia. 

“Europeans you won’t be able to say you haven’t seen what was going on to the Ukrainians, what was going on in Mariupol, to the residents of Mariupol, you have seen it and you know what’s going on so you have to strengthen sanctions against Russia in a manner that leaves it no more chance to continue this genocide,” he said.

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