Ukrainian Actor Pasha Lee Killed Amid Russian Shelling In Irpin – and there are ‘signs’ the Ukrainians could win the war

Pasha Lee and Hero Mayor have been shot dead. This is really sad because Putin is hiding and not coming out, Pasha died as a hero, this is really sad that we hear a lot because it has been a while for people who look like them are being killed. It is like the US attacking Canada it is sad as hell. We know if they will kill their own people of color don’t have a chance.

Ukrainian actor Pasha Lee died on Sunday in Irpin, under shelling by Russian forces occupying the city located west of Kyiv, according to local reports. The TSN television news service and the Odesa International Film Festival said the actor (who is also referred to as Pavlo Li and Pasha Li) was 33.

The Ukraine government has a contingency plan in place if President Volodymyr Zelensky is killed during the Russian invasion, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during an interview with CBS News’ Face the Nation on Sunday. This comes amid reports that Zelensky has survived three assassination attempts since the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Zelensky too talked about the threat to his life. Watch the video for full details.

Sanctions are destroying his country, he blocked Facebook, stopped outside news from being reported. Putin is not winning now, he had to crush Ukrainian lives and he is trying to save face. Victory would hurt democracy and he knows this so Putin is working hard to win this war that is why he is killing children in war as well.

Monday on the NewsHour, Russia offers to open evacuation corridors, a move widely dismissed as a ruse, while bombing continues and Ukrainians defiantly face the onslaught. Then, Ukrainian leaders ramp up calls for a no-fly zone, but what would that move mean for the U.S. and NATO countries? Also, Tamara Keith and Amy Walter discuss growing calls for the U.S. to ban imports of Russian oil.
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