Ukraine Using Crypto To Fight Russia?

BERLIN, GERMANY - JULY 12: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the German Chancellor (not pictured) give statements ahead of talks at the Chancellery on July 12, 2021 in Berlin , Germany. (Photo by Stefanie Loos-Pool/Getty Images)

This is why crypto was used in a good way. If it had a lot of restrictions it wouldn’t be able to impact so many people. They are trying to stop war crimes. They need to make Crypto more popular and now they want to stop Russia which is using crypto for war crimes-this has to be stopped. The ruble is falling and now he wants to back crypto. Russia is doing all it can to keep up the fight and the fed might get a rate hike because the war is raising the price of fuel. Biden wants to stop this Russian war by using sanctions and killing their dollar, the ruble is falling but bitcoin is up. Bitcoin is up 15%. The people in Russia are trying to protect their cash. Investors are trying to get out all Russian currency. 30 years of freedom is hard to give up so the Ukrainian people will fight. This is really sad and Putin thinks he is right to do so. To get this region back.

Crypto is being the most immediate tool to give help to Ukraine. Billionaire Russians are being punished for backing Putin and this seems to be a good way to get at and put pressure on Putin. Putin is doing all he can to take Ukraine because they want to be free. This is not what Putin expected. His ego is not going to allow him to quit and this is really important. The sad part is nuclear weapons are being used to flex his muscles. This is the reason that America was trying to keep authoritarian governments from having nuclear weapons, they have no checks and balances and one mad leader could cause a nuclear war.

Russians are not far from the capital and nobody is going to stop them so this is really unfortunate if they get the capital that does not mean that men are not willing to die to keep their freedom-Russia needs to let this go. Putin is killing citizens now it is impossible, he’s bombing people in regular neighborhoods. This should end. Food and water are being cut off. Nuclear weapons are on high alert. They blame Ukraine’s breakaway regions for an invasion, this at all levels seems like this is just a war crime in progress. Committed crimes cluster bombs used against nursery with children. NATO said that is no reason to move in, Ukraine is not a member of NATO. So, now Russia is blocking them from the European Union and NATO.

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