Ukraine-Russia news – live: Boris Johnson warns of ‘biggest war in Europe since 1945’ as Putin tests missiles and here is why below. Opinion piece

According to MSNBC, the war is looking like a real possibility at this point Putin wants to fight with Ukraine and Russia, and looks really possible. When we look at it he wants to stop them from them joining Nato. He needs to keep them from being free. 13% of Ukraine is Russian people. The video below will tell you why Putin is there, This is no different as when Russia wanted to put bombs in Cuba and America was not having it and We had the Cuban Missile Crisis and that was a real chance for nuclear war. Here we are not the weak President Trump is out of office. Putin does not have a friend in America anymore Trump Loved Putin. Trump Loved the power that Puttin has. Trump Loves Dictators. We will see how this turns out. Ukraine wants sanctions now not after the attack. America’s economy is at stake. There is a Russian story at the bottom made in 2017. This story gives you a look at the inside Putin thoughts and here we are. This is my opinion, not facts I use the story below to make their points. Trump let Russia take over Crimea. Vladimir Putin said that Russian troops in the Crimean peninsula were aimed “to ensure proper conditions for the people of Crimea to be able to freely express their will”, whilst Ukraine and other nations argue that such intervention is a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty. Russia is trying to keep its country intact period. This invasion, in my opinion, is going to happen because just like Crimea we can’t have free-thinking people in Russia country that does not work for Putin he rules with an Iron fist period. Someday at Christmas time is classic and true and his post fits also. we as Black people are all tired and now it is up to White people to change it. Our greatest Black people have laid their life down for freedom. And now we need real freedom in America freedom for all black people for real not just fake equality and now Stevie Wonder is now tired and he is leaving America. Happy Birthday, the song is just another song that is real.

This was the truth all day long.

Russia liked Trump until they attacked Syria for the chemical attack. This is a real feeling of the Russian people. So this is a really complicated thing. Trump was a real Russian supporter period and this was strange to some people. Russia attacked and wanted Trump as President of the USA. Now Russian is back at the borders of Ukraine and now this attack is years in the making and now is the time for Putin to make it happen. Crimea Made Putin more popular in Russia. I don’t think we should convince Democracy to work for everyone but we need to let countries pick a dictator if it is working for them. Our country has its problem and its race problem is real. But America works for everyone in some way. Our Prison system does not reform it makes more violent criminals. Here we are as black people in other countries that are at war and we have no answer for our race problem and Reparations for black people. We can not make America great until we deal with the race problem first. Ukraine is not our Problem America needs to work on America it needs to be equal for every race and before we can police the world. They see what we are doing and we look foolish. When we invaded Iraq we were wrong. Does Russia have the right to be wrong yes it does? Take care of home first and stop letting all these forces hurt our economy. It is not a reflection of our business in this Ukraine war. Amerca has bigger things to deal with. Like all people are created equal is not true in America that is our biggest crisis. That is why Biden won we need to deal with our polarized country first. Let’s pass the build back better plan and let’s improve the school system in the black community and get rid of the school to prison pipeline and have real prison reform. America needs to let Ukraine and Russia figure this out. It is not our fight this conflict is years in making. Just like our civil war to keep slavery and now slavery is the real prison system. You can’t vote if you have a felony and you could not vote if you were a slave no difference here. If you serve your time you should have your rights back. America does not have all the answers and Black people are not equal yet. This is only my opinion, not facts. But there is truth in what I say and feel. Take care of home first. Trump was not wrong about that, he just wanted to make America white again and that is why he loved Russia and Trumped did not like or visit Africa and that was good for Africa it took some of the pressure of Africa. So they could deal with their problem without America’s influence and that was good for Africa. There is conflict in Ethiopia and you don’t see America getting into that we are hands-off we let the countries deal with it. Afghanistan fell as soon as we left and that shows you that the country did not want to stand on its own, The President got money and left his people in Afghanistan, not our fight. The Stevie Wonder post was so nice I had to post it Twice.

Boris Johnson said that a war in Ukraine could be the “biggest in Europe since 1945”, in terms of size.

Elsewhere, speaking at the Munich security conference, Mr. Johnson warned that the world was at “the eleventh hour” to avert a conflict and said any invasion would encourage other countries to resort to military aggression.

His comments come as Vladimir Putin oversaw strategic nuclear exercises involving launches of ballistic missiles, in an apparent “show of strength”.

Western leaders in Munich said they wanted to continue dialogue with Russia, with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz saying there were clear indications Russia was still open to diplomacy.

Speaking from Washington, Joe Biden said he was “convinced” Russian forces would launch an invasion “within days” beginning with an attack on the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. He said he did not think Mr. Putin was considering the use of nuclear force, despite tests.

This is a look at Russia during the Trump Era.
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