Ukraine President to EU Leaders: ‘This Might Be The Last Time You See Me Alive’

No one wanted a war, not since World War 2 has the country been invaded. Putin Crosses Line With Overt Nuclear Threat

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy issued a dire warning to leaders of the European Union as Russian soldiers continue to violently invade the country.

“This might be the last time you see me alive,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reportedly told European Union leaders on a conference call Thursday night.

Zelenskyy is currently hiding in Ukraine’s capital city of Kyiv as more than 100,000 Russian troops continue to attack the country. Putin wants his territory back you can’t be a dictator with the freedom that is close to your borders.

“We were supposed to talk on the phone this morning, but he was no longer available,” Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi told his Parliament Friday morning of Zelenskyy.

Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson, who was also on the Thursday-night call with Zelenskyy, reportedly told the Swedish News Agency that “this may have been the last time we saw Zelensky.”

Zelenskyy said in an early Thursday-morning address that Russian saboteurs had entered Kyiv and said intelligence found “the enemy has identified me as the number one target.” I thought in war you did not suppose to take out President I guess all is fair in war. Putin does not like anybody that stands up to him. This may cost this brave man his life. Not like Afghanistan where the President took the money and ran.

 Joe Biden issued more sanctions on Russian banks and high-profile oligarchs Thursday but stopped short of sending troops in. We in this country need no Troops on the ground anymore we need to take of America first. It is the only thing I agree with Trump on, He did not care what was going on in other countries. That was their Problem until they come after us we need to be out of it, We got bigger fish to fry Black people are not free in this county yet.

“We have no intention of fighting Russia,” Biden said during a press conference. “We want to send an unmistakable message, though, that the United States and our allies will defend every inch of NATO territory.” If he tries to go beyond what Russia used to run no that is a problem

Democracy does not work for everyone. In this country Republicans are trying to take away voting rights for black and brown people, If it is not white and male Republicans don’t give a damn.

More than 1,700 anti-war protestors have been arrested across more than 50 Russian cities in a rare display of public outrage at Putin’s invasion. Not every in Russia is happy about this they will be Jailed.

I just hope Russia does not target President Volodymyr Zelenskyy , War needs rules Terrorism has no rules countries should not act like terrorists. Jimmy Kimmel is telling the truth about Trump in a piece at the bottom,

There really is nothing funny about Trump calling Putin Brilliant and this is so sad for the republican party. Calling Putin better than Obama now we see the judgment of Trump and the mess he caused in the world. He was the one that ordered people out of Afghanistan not Biden just followed Through with the order, Trump needs to keep his mouth shut.

This is a brave country Ukraine they are ready to die for their this is not Afghanistan this is not going to be easy, Trump may be making a big mistake this may be Putin’s Vietnam.

Ukraine is under attack and Donald Trump continues to divide us as a nation by complimenting Vladimir Putin, he called into Laura Ingraham’s show to make it all about himself and say that it never would have happened if he were in charge, on Fox News they continue to talk about how tough Trump was when dealing with Putin, Tucker Carlson continues to churn out propaganda, CNN has been showing war footage but they also have commercials to run which sometimes results in unfortunate moments, and since most people don’t follow the news, we went out on the street and asked pedestrians passing by a very confusing question about Russia.

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