Ukraine is in a state of emergency and Russia does not like Sanctions.

Ukraine warned its, people, to leave Russia and not to travel there. Ukraine voted for sanctions, not war. Ukraine wants a peaceful resolution. They have been invaded so they could start a war and they are opting not to. Russia is claiming they are protecting Eastern Ukraine’s independent state. Putin says he is up for “diplomacy.” We as the world hope that is true. We don’t need any more wars.

The European Union will meet to come up with a resolution to keep the peace if possible. The President of the EU said “aggressive actions by the Russian Federation violate international law and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. They also undermine the European security order.”

“It is important that we continue to be united and determined and jointly define our collective approach and actions,” he added

It takes 27 nations to block the sanctions. What choice does Ukraine have but war or peace?

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