U.S. Gymnasts Testify in Senate Hearing on FBI Failures in Nassar Investigation

The FBI was told and nobody retired and the other were fired. 70 gymnast werwe abused after the people told. This is the bravest thing I have ever seen. Because it was easier to sweep this under the rug over and over again. This time and time again is being ignored in our country little black girls just go missing and little black boys just go missing, the sick underbelly of our country that profits from this. We talk about the Taliban these people would be stoned to death in public. Who was taking care of these women and little girls? America we need to stop having false rage over this stop ignoring cancer that is black community little girls and boys that are missing. Black children are being sexually abused daily.

The strength that it takes to come forward when you are in the public eye and open up about sexual abuse and you perform like this on the world stage and are the most celebrated gymnast in history is legendary most people would have just lied and protected the brand. Simone Biles just reached Ali’s status with mental health and sexual abuse alone. And all of her gymnasts came out and said me too. He actually taped himself abusing one of them. We in this country need to protect our children look how fast they jumped on the MJ and his victims said they were telling stories years later and they came out again and lied and Oprah legitimized it by giving it attention. MJ was dead and could not defend himself. One of the accusers dated Brittney Spears and MJ’s niece and was just trying to get money. But being a Dr. some how gave Nassar the cover to do what he was doing for life. It is sad on so many levels and life is going to have it up and downs. God bless these strong women.

The senators listened and the FBI responded we have to stop treating women as property and stop ignoring black children gone missing women and girls, the sex trade is real. Simone Biles competed to keep the conversation up about sexual abuse going in 2020 and 2021.

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