Trump lied and they love him

He knew everything and his followers don’t give a damn if he was Jim Jones in could have half the country commit suicide in his rally that is how much they love him they would drink the punch. And die with honor for him.

My Alabama friend Kimberly Fasking has a new driveway message. Her neighbors don’t like it. They think she’s a troublemaker. They’ve told her she should move. They’ve been trying to physically intimidate her. I think she’s awesome. Silence is compliance. Silence is violence. Keep it up, red-state friends. #solidarity #blacklivesmatter

Edit to include: this comment section is not welcoming to your disparaging comments of Alabama residents. Those types of generalizations are problematic at best. Support each other. Fight together. #solidarity

2nd edit to include the words of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, “Fight for the things you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.” If you come here to defend trump in the comments just know I’ll be deleting your comments and blocking you. No one here needs your senselessness. No one here owes you anything. We aren’t wasting our time on you, we are mobilizing and supporting each other.

I am going to turn off the comments for this post as it is requiring too much time and energy to keep the trump supporters out. I love all the support that you have posted here. Inspired by this group I have created a private Facebook group called. I will make sure that we limit the membership to only those who are supportive of our collective cause: Justice, Equality, Truth, Science, and VOTING TRUMP OUT! Please come join us if you’d like:

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