Trump Leaves Washington: Jordan Klepper Sees It All at The Capitol Insurrection | The Daily Social Distancing Show

The Trump era is done for now and we will have a more divided country now. Trump broke the country and let the most racist people come out in public and tear up our Capitol, now white supremacists will not be seen as backwoods country folk they are successful, educated, and religious people. They have a new leader in the republican party and is Donald J. Trump he is the blueprint for a new republican party. If not for the Capitol riot he would have been the most successful president to leave office, but now his brand is dead and it is not coming back. Trump will have the next republican leader to pick his personal successor if he does not run again. He is doing all that he can to divide the country and now he has pardoned 75 people. The country has been on a crazy downward spiral because he was a liar and he could not accept defeat. That is the downfall of his Trump brand and his legacy. His father did not accept losers and Trump is a chip off his father’s block. He is not man enough to accept defeat. In his sick mind, the presidency was stolen from him. No, he lost it with his response to covid if he would have embraced china and not had that stupid economic war with China, China had 1.3 billion people, and they only had 4000 deaths. American has 400,000 deaths and counting and that is a direct no mask policy because he did not like the way he looked in a mask and China wore masks when they got sick because they don’t want to get other people affected. He called it the China Virus on the way out of Washington. Now it is clear it the US Virus caused by the inaction of the spineless President. Now we can turn the page on his administration. We hope Biden and Harris will be successful and this country can go forward and start working on our country’s greatest sin slavery. Trump wanted to keep things the same. We need real change for America to win. God bless the new administration. I will leave you with Senate majority leader words in the video. Trump was responsible for the riot period. Trevor Noah is the last word. The mob was fed lies period McConnell spoke the truth. The end of Trump.

I am ready to turn the page and we need to have a rebirth in America we need to purge racism. We need it gone. We got here because a black man was president. that is the truth. No, we are here because we had racism as president. So now we may have the most diverse cabinet in history. We need to pray for Biden and Harris, your bag if you thought a pussy grabber was our best choice for president. Now we know that ended with a riot at the capitol. Let’s move on and come together we have Elder in the white house now. God bless Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The sheep

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