What is it going to take for Americans to take Covid Seriously? Half of America Believes Trump. He is the real Grinch that stole lives and Christmas.

Half of America thinks this virus is a joke. I will tell you as a black person this virus has taken my friend’s 53 years of life and my world will never be the same. I wish President Trump would have taken this seriously-he did not. Instead he went golfing over and over again. As Americans died from the virus, Herman Cain -a black trump supporter- died because he went unmasked to Trump’s ego rally. He has never had the American people at his concern. All he was consumed with is the stock market which most Americans have no interest in. If you have a 401k you are in the stock market. So why did this happen? Because Trump is arrogant self-absorbed-period. He never had an interest in protecting the American people from the virus. We got hit harder than anybody because we did not move on this until it was too late.

When Trump found out it was black and brown people dying and old people he did not care. So here we are 300,000 dead and counting. Will probably be 600,000 by March if nothing changes. China only had 4000 deaths and We got 300,000 because Trump put the economy over the people. If he would have acted in November 2019 and got serious about this and closed the country down in December 2019 the death toll would have been different. He would have had a moment when he could have been seen as a great President that got us out of the pandemic. Instead many people are burying their loved ones and not being able to say Goodbye. I was one of them imagine having a friend die that you were together since grade school and knowing you can’t go to his funeral. This is being repeated over and over now. And imagine your loved ones dying alone with nurses holding their hands and turning off the machines because they are brain dead. People should not have to die like this.

So you anti-masker Trump lovers you are responsible for more deaths than world war 2 because like Trump you don’t want to have social distance or wear a mask. The virus is silent and deadly you can’t see it go into your loved ones like a bullet so you say it’s fake news. This unpresidential president said the media was blowing this out of proportion-no it is not. This is an American horror story here is two news clips for those that need their eyes opened. I put Trump golfing in the picture and I remember his saying Obama played golf too much and I quote he said he may never golf he would have too much to do. Boy, he golfed more than any other president in history. So let’s just hope the new Trump party will try and work with Biden to get some work done and not just obstruct as they did with Obama. Trump is the real Grinch that stole Christmas and now lives of millions will never be the same. On top of this Trump does not have the decency to call Biden and say he won fair and square; half of the country is going to be upset angry and dangerous. Because Trump is a sociopath who does not care..

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