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“Trump Is FEARED” and “Kamala ISN’T Presidential” | Vincent Oshana x Cenk Uygur x Scaramucci

Kamala Harris finally seems to have a brand to sell in her battle for the White House; that being the simple message of joy. This strategy is apparently working, with polling suggesting that she has a small lead over Trump. On the other hand, exhibiting joy is easier than arguing for your policies, something that many of her detractors claim she simply hasn’t done.

Piers Morgan brings founder of The Young Turks Cenk Uygur, comedian and political commentator Vincent ‘Vinny’ Oshana, financier and former White House Director of Communications Anthony Scaramucci and journalist Emily Austin onto Uncensored for a lively debate on the race to the White House. Vinny and Emily are steadfast in their support of Trump, while Cenk continues to call him a ‘lunatic’. Anthony, the only panelist to have worked in Trump’s administration, makes it clear that his only option is Kamala.


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