Trump Confirms Amy Coney Barrett As His Selection For SCOTUS Judge To Succeed Ruth Bader-Ginsburg

Amy Coney Barrett Photo

Source: YouTube

The battle over President Trump’s selection for Supreme Court Judge to replace the late former Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg who passed away on September 18 has begun. The announcement was made Saturday and Judge Barrett is ready to serve on the nation’s highest court. It will be officially voted on in a few weeks.

Judge Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative pro-lifer, received Trump’s nomination to fill Ginsburg’s former seat. Liberals are upset at Trump’s pick and fear that now she’s confirmed as Trump’s nominee; Roe vs. Wade and women’s abortion rights could be overturned.

It’s unknown if Mr. Trump interviewed other candidates for the position. Mr. Trump considers Judge Barrett highly qualified and said that he would choose a woman for the job. She once clerked for the late Antonin Scalia who passed away in February 2016 and has been referred to as the female version of Scalia.

According to an article in The New York Times, Trump revealed, “She’s outstanding.”

Judge Barrett, 48 was last seen on Friday and photographed getting out of her car in South Bend, Indiana.

The president is hopeful that his judicial choice would help energize his campaign; as he has been trailing against former Vice President Joe Biden who is currently leading in the polls.

Arguments have ensued that Trump is defying against Bader-Ginsburg’s dying wish to choose a Supreme Court Justice after a new president is elected. Trump defends that he’s fulfilling his constitutional duty and chose Judge Barrett to serve on the bench.

Here’s a video about Amy Coney Barrett on the Washington Post’s YouTube channel:

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