Top 10 Best Christian Allegory Books For Your Next Adventure


Before we really dig into the best Christian allegory books, lets set a foundation of why they’re worth reading. Because their power is impressive. They tend to capture the imagination and take you along for the ride. So we want to know where we’re going is where we want to be, right?

Then we can cover the best books in this genre for kids, teens, and adults. I have some really fun ones for all ages, and I can’t wait to share them with you!!

Please note that this post contains affiliate links for your convenience. If you make a purchase through one of the links, I may make a small commission. I only recommend books and resources that I’ve enjoyed personally, or believe that you would like. You can read my full disclosure here. You will also find information on Scripture translations there.

Why The Use of Biblical Allegory Should Affect our Book Choices?

Biblical allegories are very special to me. I’ve been drawn to them from a very early age. They can be fun or serious, but they always make a point, in a parallel way, without just saying “You messed up. Look what you did/should have done/are capable of!” In that way, they are kind and make you think.

Some of my favorite examples:

  • Nathan’s story about the lamb, to get David to realize and confess just exactly what he’d done, and repent. (2 Samuel 12:1-4)
  • The King’s dreams, interpreted by Daniel, which told the future (Daniel 2 & 4)
  • The Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13, Mark 4)
  • Paul’s explanation of Slave/Free (Galatians 4:21-31)

With that kind of example, allegories became one of my favorite types of fiction early on. I started by going into The Wardrobe with Lucy Pevensie, and now I’m always learning something, scripture comes alive in new ways. 

Understanding Christ’s sacrifice better, or His love, or some other treasure of Biblical truth. By seeing them lived out, and applied in Christian fiction, I learn more about applying them myself. And it helps shape a worldview and Christian life that honors God.

I’d love to share a few of my favorites with you. I hope you’ll like them as much as I do! (If you missed it, Part 1 in the series focuses on Faithful Dragons, also full of parallels!)

Also, here are some more amazing Christian Fantasy books you should check out!

Christian allegory books? Fiction to learn from.

Christian Allegory Books for Young Readers 

These books can be started early (3-4 years old), as the adventure will captivate the kids, and they may even ask questions, internalizing the Truth. Then, as they get bigger (5-8 years), they’ll understand more, and get to apply what they’re learning.

The Progress of the Pilgrim Mouse / The Evergreen Wood (an adaptation of The Pilgrim’s Progress) is one of the best stories I can remember reading as a kid. Journeying with Christopher along (and sometimes wandering from) the narrow path to the Evergreen Wood, there is so much symbolism that applies to our Christian walk even today.

John Bunyan did an awesome job (and Alan and Linda Parry’s adaptation for kids, is Spectacular). Kids like animal stories. And sometimes, it’s easier to grasp truth that way. Even as an adult. I know, I know, I’ve said that before!

Max Lucado’s The Song of the King is SO COOL!!! Three Knights are sent on a Quest-A dangerous journey, the prize* being marriage to the princess. The King will play a song on a special flute so listening for that will guide them. But watch out for the Hopenots! Will any of the Three Knights be able to make it through? Will You learn more about how to listen for the Song of Your KING? I hope so!

*Caveat-I’m not a fan of the fact that the princess is to be given to whichever knight wins the quest, but that’s not enough to stop me from recommending the rest of the story. It just gives an opportunity for a discussion.

Christian Allegory Books with Devotionals for Boys

The Squire and the Scroll by Jennie Bishop is a great story. By itself, the adventure is fascinating, and the lessons learned and implied should sink in pretty well. You’ve got the Knight on a quest to rescue the Lantern of Purest Light, somewhat proud of himself.

Then, you have his Squire. The young man who clings to the scroll his parents gave him with the instructions on how to Guard his Pure Heart. So of course, on the Quest, there are challenges, and the instructions from the Scroll provide all the answers. Who will follow them?

But Wait, There’s More! (wink) There is a companion book: Life Lessons from the Squire and the Scroll (Battle Plan for a Pure Heart). This is a series of instructions (A Devotional/Bible Study) on biblical Purity, Integrity, and God’s plan for Relationships. There are 21 devotionals that each have 6 parts or categories:

  • A Squire Prepares His Heart (the Devotional section)
  • A Squire’s Prayer
  • Scroll of Truth (Scripture Verse)
  • Creative Squire Adventures (a couple of Activities to choose from-pretty cool stuff here!)
  • Hero of Faith (the Going Deeper section-more of a Bible study assignment), and
  • Battle Plans (The Application Questions)

There’s a whole Parents’ Compass section with ‘teacher’s aides and how-to info. And, there’s instructions/a script for a Squires of the Lantern Ceremony, when the study has been completed.

I am really looking forward to doing this with my sons in a few years, and probably a refresher course as he gets older.

Biblical Allegories and Devotionals for Girls

Since I have boys, I’m obviously more familiar with books featuring Boy Adventures, and I would encourage those with girls to read them too, because they need to be familiar with qualities to look for in a man of God.

Not the Knight in shining armor, but the compassion, integrity and wisdom, purity and love of truth that is possible. However, Jennie Bishop didn’t leave the girls out!

There’s a set of books just for them: The Princess and the Kiss, and Life Lessons from the Princess and the Kiss. This looks like another great adventure, and place to start some conversations. If they’re half as good as the boys’ books, they’re Excellent (and I’m sure they’re at least equal!).

 Their innocence is taken so early now, between tv and our environment. If we’re not willing to talk about things ourselves, someone else will! Using this as a launching pad for discussions about boundaries and the like, would be a good idea. Even for the boys.

Shopping for Religious Allegories

Great New Christian Allegories

In the  Milana Legends series, we start out in a remote Missionary hut, but are quickly whisked away to another planet, Milana, with fantastic animals, a whole different set of rules and abilities and Gifts from The Breather, the one who gave all things Breath. Nani, our heroine, has no memory of her past here on Milana, but she is known, and has been watched for, for about 1,000 years. She is the only one who can repair the damaged ‘Pillars’ and is led on a grand quest, to find herself, and repair the damage done.

Alexi, one of the kids brought along from Earth (accidentally? I think not!), is my hero. She has courage, determination, faith, and a love of books and knowledge that draws me right in. Her Loyalty to Nani and understanding of what needs to be done encourage me and the others in the story. This series is very well written.

The Grand saga, complete with the normal (clean!) teen interactions, the new world’s culture and consistent attention to detail, and enough humor to keep things light. The rich parallels of our quest to get to know God are hard to miss. The weaving of scripture so carefully reworded to reflect Milana, and still be easily identified and accurate is fun!

If you like Narnia, or Lord of the Rings, or generally enjoy clean fantasy-type stories, you’ve got to give this series a try! I know I can hardly wait for the next book!

Updated: Milana Legends book 3:

The continued story are awesome! Reality is setting in for these teens whisked far from home. They may never return to Earth, and each of them will have to accept that. The fate of a whole world is a big responsibility. Alexi is still my favorite, though The Eldest (her title, because she’s lived longer than any other) May, definitely runs a close second. With danger all around, there’s never a dull moment in this Adventure.

The symbolism in here is fascinating. New life, blood (nothing graphic) pressing on into the unknown because it is His will, training to be prepared… Can’t wait for book 4!

 I received a beta copy of book 3 from the author and have freely shared my thoughts. It is my privilege to share with you an awesome series! 

You will also want to check out this one: The Arrow Bringer. It’s Packed with Biblical Parallels! 

A Classic with a Twist

Adventures in Peter Pan’s Foreverland: Pirates of the Apocalypse by Jack Sky has so much to offer. You’ll have your obvious references to Neverland, but even they are so well done that you can see through Neverland into, well, Foreverland.

The adventures of these three kids who are taught to fly and whisked out their bedroom window are eye-opening. I don’t want to spoil it for you, but if you like Peter Pan, reading it with an allegorical perspective is going to be fun!!!

Classic Christian Allegories

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. Did you really think I could do a post like this, and leave out Narnia? Not possible. If you haven’t read it, you have no idea what you’re missing. These kids from ‘our world’ get into a fantastic world called Narnia and have many adventures, get to know Aslan, the LION, for the purpose of Knowing Him Better back here. Aslan sacrifice for the redemption of Edmund parallels Jesus, and the whole ‘good, but not tame’ concept, and so much more we can learn!

And no matter how many days or years they are in Narnia, when they come back, no time at all has passed here. However long they are in “our world” it could be days or centuries that pass back in Narnia (I like Christian Time travel books!). Each adventure in the 7-book series has Good vs Evil, Trust and Tests, and Talking Animals! All kinds of fun things! Mr. Lewis did an amazing job with these. Helping us to Know HIM better in our daily lives!

Make Time for Reading

This post is pretty long already, I don’t have time to go into the other classic Christian allegories I love, like:

If I don’t stop going on about the use of allegory in the bible, and all my favorite books that fit, there won’t be time left for actually reading.

For now, I’ll let you go ahead and pick your favorites, and jump into some new Christian allegories and adventures! Learn ways to draw near to HIM, and grow in your faith! Learn from others’ mistakes and triumphs. Recognize your strengths and weaknesses, and the only source of HOPE!

Until Next Time, Love God, Love Books, Shine The Light!!


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