Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Set to Host Golden Globe Awards 2021

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are making their way back to the stage to host the Golden Globe Awards 2021. This will be the first time the event has taken place during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is likely that the majority (if not all) of this year’s show will be virtual. Even if it does not take place in front of a large audience live in a theater, going virtual is a great way to go because it keeps everyone safe and it also gives Fey and Poehler the opportunity to do skits and have funny TV moments like they’ve had throughout their entire careers, especially on Saturday Night Live.

Even though the pandemic has caused many productions to slow down or stop its development process, there are still a lot of films that are going to be recognized and given awards at the ceremony. The following list will provide an indication of some of the films that may take home top honors.

1. The Crown

The Crown has been extraordinarily popular since its first season. It has a loyal following primarily in the UK and the U.S. The web series is about the British royals and its most recent season showcased stories on Princess Diana. The fanbase was excited to figure out what parts of Diana’s life the producers of the web series would choose to focus on. The fans were generally happy with the scenes the production ending up airing throughout this past season.

2. Ratched

This drama series focuses on the life of asylum nurse, Mildred Ratched. This production explores the disruptive nature of psychology. It follows Ratched, who in 1947, moved to Northern California to work at a psychiatric hospital where uncanny experiments were being conducted on the human mind.

3. Emily in Paris

Many fans of this show state how much fun it is to watch each episode. France, and all of his commerce and architecture, serves as a backdrop for this production that really feels like the characters are in Paris. The story follows Emily, a marketing executive, who’s job transferred her to Paris. She is played by Lily Collins and is also a co-producers of the series.

4. Mrs. America

This production stars Cate Blanchett as Mrs. America, who becomes a supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment. The film focuses on her ambitions that are met with opposition from conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly.

5. The Mandolarian

Extremely popular with many Star Wars fans, The Mandolarian occurs five years after the events of Return of the Jedi (1983) including the fall of the Galactic Empire. The story follows Din Djarin, a lone Mandolarian bounty hunter and his excursions throughout the galaxy.

6. Queen’s Gambit

This story follows an orphaned chess prodigy, Beth Harmon, who is struggling with substance abuse  issues. She rises to fame and experiences sexism within the sport. This seven-part limited series takes audiences on a journey through extravagant highs and unbearable lows. One of the best aspects of this program is that audience will get to see Beth Harmon in a variety of different emotional situations.

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