Tiger – Sam Zylstra

Sam Zylstra creates a variety of art: design, digital art, drawing, mixed media, multimedia, painting, photography, print, Expressionism, Impressionist, landscape, nature and science.

Zylstra’s art uses color excellently to create an animal with distinct features; it is easy for observers to notice the tiger’s nose, ears, cheeks, mouth, arms and tail. The art also uses lines pointing in various directions to distinguish each part of the tiger. The greenery on the ground and in the sky suggests that the subject is somewhere outdoors, perhaps at a zoo or other facility.

This creation probably was developed from a photograph, as the artist had been close enough to capture the expression. The tiger appears to be at rest, its eyes suggests an alertness and its mouth indicates a calm environment. The squiggly lines of paint are used to accent the physical features of the tiger. There is a stillness quality to the art that makes the subject appear to pose for a portrait or is in close proximity to the artist without considering him a threat (behind glass windows, etc.). The tiger also has a collection of grass between its paws, which signifies that it is in a state of rest.

Animal subjects are just as unique and complex as human ones; this painting has a lot in common with others that use color, line and other strategies to place emphasis on parts of the subject.

This piece of art feels like a portrait that is supplemented with creative design.

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