“The Wounded Deer” by Frida Kahlo

Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird, 1940, by Frida Kahlo. Courtesy of Artist and www.fridakahlo.org

Frida Kahlo is a Mexican-born artist who voices gender, class, race, post-colonial, and identity issues. 

The Wounded Deer, 1946 by Frida Kahlo. Courtesy of Artist. www.fridakahlo.org

The Wounded Deer was one of Frida’s works in 1946. It depicts a deer with Frida as its head. The deer was wounded by some arrows. Nearby the deer, a big tree branch fell. In the distance, the sky was lightning. Frida has poured her painful experiences onto the canvas. Although the painting represents pain, the figure remains to look tough, just like Frida’s personality.

Frida is often portrayed as a feminist artist, since many of her works deliver representations of women’s experience of pains, frustration, and passion, as Frida says, “My painting carries with it the message of pain”.

Frida Kahlo. Courtesy of Artist. www.fridakahlo.org

Frida’s talents and life experiences are incredible. The young Frida attended the renowned National Preparatory School in Mexico City. In that school, she is famous for her outspokenness and bravery. In 1925, Frida had a traffic accident that caused her to rest for several weeks. To kill the time, she started to paint. A year after the accident, she finished her first self-portrait. In 1929, Frida married Diego Rivera. However, their marriage life was upside-down. Frida also had several times miscarriage of her pregnancy. This painful experience becomes one of the sources of her works. Besides that, Frida also has seven operations on her spine during her life. In 1936, Frida was active in a solidarity committee for Spanish Republicans. She also joined the Mexican Communist Party.

Frida Kahlo is an exceptional artist because of her talents, personality, and activities. Thank you Frida for your amazing works!


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