The World’s First Humans, an End to Racism

Royal family and origins of man

The race is not real and now Trump people are thinking they are right.  Before the rich landowners were being outnumbered by blacks. They tricked us. To keep us separate and sick. Prince EA nailed it. This thing with race is a false narrative to keep us fighting and not living in your truth. Some things are tough to deal with and that is it. We have a race problem in this world and it is sad. Every human came from Africa. If we all had to go back  Africa is the place of origin. Look it up. They always want to say we are descended from apes, but God created man, not from apes on this planet. We can not explain how the pyramids were built so how do we know for sure the origin of man.

Africa, cradle of civilization

Science has confirmed that all of humanity, from the Australopithecus to the Homo Sapiens (that is the modern humans in existence all over the world) undoubtedly came out of Africa. In other words, the first humans on earth were black, specifically African.

The skull and the reconstitution of the oldest modern Homo sapiens man that emerged in Africa 200,000 years ago

Thanks to science, it is now accepted that the different human varieties (white, Asian, etc …) all proceeded from the black man and that their existence is due to the latter stepping out of the African space. So what has the black man done in Africa before stepping out of it? Did he spend his days or millennia swinging from lianas to lianas? Playing? Eating? Or sleeping? Or even copulating left and right? To these questions many people are struggling to find the answers because they are victims of misinformation and brainwashing orchestrated by the West, who sought by all means to deny the historical past of Africa, thus laying the shame on African people and all people of African descent throughout the world. But if the African man had actually done nothing, how could he have lived, eaten, healed himself from diseases, etc … since the beginning of time until now?

If it is recognized by all that Africa is the cradle of humanity, it is thus logical and indisputable that Africa is the cradle of the earliest forms of civilization. The views according to which Africans are inferior beings, rudimentary and wild, having brought nothing to mankind, or that they have not made history enough, only come from ignorance, sometimes consciousness, and from the purest ideology. So these are just lame, false, negrophobe, and racist views, devoid of any meaning, without scientific basis and without hard evidence, thus of no interest for science, research, and for the historical and factual truth.

In order to survive and make a decent living, Man since appearing in Africa had to face many challenges, such as understanding his environment, getting to master it, organizing himself against the dangers which he could be the victim of, living with all the difficulties it entails.

To this end it was necessary to tame animals, hunt for food, master fire, build a house, know remedies to heal sickness or health problems, etc. His survival depended on it, especially because of the luxuriant African nature and the wild animals already in existence since very early times. This means that he had to quickly do research and discoveries in order to solve his everyday practical problems. During this period when a man was not yet out of Africa the rest of the earth was empty of modern people.

The first human reflections, thoughts, and forms of human organizations … in other words, the first forms of human societies and civilization came from Africa. Knowing that other phenotypes were born thanks to the first men stepping out of their African space, it is logical to say that as long as man had not come out of Africa, the first facts of civilization were first in Africa and nowhere else, which could not have been otherwise.

That is why the first and oldest recorded facts of civilization in our solar system come from Africa. When this man would come out of Africa, he would take his knowledge with him and try to recreate his environment based on his acquired knowledge and discoveries in Africa. This is what would make the first facts of prehistoric and historic civilizations on other continents appear later.

Therefore no prehistoric industry found outside of Africa is older than the industries found in Africa. This is purely due to the fact that the first humans when coming out of Africa were faced with various other environmental and climatic conditions of those in Africa. These humans thus had to adapt, get used to, and find ways to live in their new environment. Those who remained in Africa were well adapted to their environment since they were aware of their environment.

The question of adaptation was therefore not an issue for those who remained in Africa. That is why Africa has developed all elements of civilization before all other continents. Indeed, since the time of Australopithecus, the man had continuously been searching, discovering, inventing, etc … and this uninterrupted chain of inventions, discoveries, and improvements that had begun at the dawn of time with the Australopithecus continued until the time of homo sapiens (modern man). Therefore man did not wait to get out of Africa to give the full measure of his talent or intelligence.

In this article, we will put aside the discoveries of ancient prehistoric men (Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus, etc ..), to focus on technological innovation and the oldest facts of the civilization of the oldest modern humans (Homo sapiens) who emerged in Africa 200,000 years ago.

The oldest signs of elaborate behavior of modern humans come from Africa. Professor W. Curtis Marean and his team discovered in 2007, in a series of prehistoric caves at the Pinnacle Point site, near Mossel Bay in South Africa, shells and other artifacts dating from -164 0000 to -174 000 years.

According to studies made on the basis of the findings, the Pinnacle Point men were already fishing at the time. They collected their shells on the coast at about 5 or 10 km from the cave to return and eat them inside the caves. As for the 57 hematite stones collected in the cave, some of them were probably used to paint their bodies, confirming the level of evolution of these modern men. They were already making forms of “aesthetic make-up” on their bodies.

The ruins of the oldest traces of a modern city built by modern man, in all of mankind’s history, lie in Mpumalanga, in present-day South Africa. The ruins resemble much of the architectural style to be found later at the ruins of great Zimbabwe (Kingdom of Monomotapa). The ruins of this city are dated back to about 150 000 to 200 000 years. The astronomer Bill Hollenbach puts the age of the site (the Mpumalanga ruins) to 150 000 years. J. Heine and Mr. Tellinger believe that the site is at least 75 000 years old.

This information shows that the African man had already been living in cities for millennia. This information shows that the African man of those times had already set up the stone architecture and had already been working the stone.

On one of the walls of the Mpumalanga site (present-day South Africa), is the oldest known representation of the Ankh Cross and the solar symbol in history. But these symbols (Ankh cross and solar symbol) are symbols of spirituality; spirituality that we would find several millennia later in the Nile Valley and the famous Pharaonic civilizations. These symbols of spirituality show that it was already known by African people since those times.

Thus it is in Africa that civilization (and all its elements) originated and that it is from this continent (Africa) that civilization spread among other nations, which is confirmed by multiple scholarly research. That is why the scholar Cheikh Anta Diop told us this:

“In saying that these are the ancestors of the Negroes, who now live mainly in Black Africa, who were the first to invent mathematics, astronomy, calendar, general science, the arts, religion, agriculture, social organization, medicine, writing, engineering, architecture (…) by saying all this we are only saying the modest and plain truth, that nobody, at present, can refute with credible and worthy arguments.” Cheikh Anta Diop, Nations Nègres et Culture, p. 401, Presence Africaine.

The first writing system ever was discovered by the German scholar, Gunther Dreyer

The professor was quoted in a dispatch from Reuters from 15th December of 1998: “The Egyptian writing was far more advanced than that of Mesopotamia which at the time was not yet inhabited by the Sumerians.”

The professor says here that when writing had been attested in the Nile Valley, Mesopotamia was not even inhabited by the Sumerians (the first civilizers of Mesopotamia).

All this information tells us that civilization and history did not begin with Europe, did not start with Asia, and did not begin with Mesopotamia and the Sumerians, for in all these regions (Europe, Asia, etc ..) there is no invention or no basic fact of civilization that is older and/or more ancient than the facts of civilization found in Africa.

So to say, as do the falsifiers, that this or that started or appeared in Mesopotamia, it makes no sense, since before man went to populate Mesopotamia to go and create there this or that, he had been living in Africa already and it was in Africa that he had already been creating a lot of things and facts of civilizations.

These scientific data proving that Africa is where civilization was born, is confirmed by many researchers and authors of antiquity. Take for example the case of Greek authors. These authors have left to posterity several writings that show they traveled the world and came to know several regions and peoples in antiquity. The African people with whom the Greeks came into contact were mainly Nile Valley Africans (Egyptians, Pharaonic civilization, etc …).

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