The UK Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2020

Portrait photography features people. The brilliant one captures the essence of the subject. The model needs to be uniquely “all about the subject/them” and to capture that in your portrait is in art. A good portrait photograph tells about the person on it.Talking to different photographers I am finding out that portraits are one of the most powerful kind of photographs. A great portrait last for decades.

Here is another UK photography competition at Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2020
The deadline is on Tuesday 22 September 2020 UK timezone.To enter the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2020, photographers will be required to upload their image(s) via the website.
The entry fee is £20.00 per photograph entered, which is about $30.Photographers must have been 18 years of age or over on 1 January 2019.

The panel members and Gallery staff judging will take online digitally. Photographers will therefore be required to upload their image(s) via the Gallery’s website at the entry form stage.

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