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The Tracker (The Dregs, #1) by Leslie Georgeson. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ – Books Best Blog


The Tracker by Leslie Georgeson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My soul is damaged. My body impaired. But she makes me want to live.


A dreg.

That’s who I am.

Once an elite soldier for The Company, now I am worthless. My soul blackened…my body broken.

I fled with a bounty on my head. 

A creature of the night, I find my sanctuary in an underground maze in the woods. 

Then she comes to me, seeking my help. I am darkness…she is light. Her goodness makes me yearn for the impossible.

Her sister is lost, the city overrun by gangs. No one will risk their lives to interfere.

No one but me.

I have nothing to lose.

I am just a killing machine. I never lose scent of my prey.

She gives me hope. A new purpose. A chance to redeem myself.

I won’t fail her.

This is the reason they created me.

This is who I am.

The Tracker.

The Tracker

Loved the characters and the story!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: 💙🖤💚💜💖
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌍🌎
Character development: 😔🤓😘😄

“People said the dregs had been snatched off the streets as young boys and trained to become ruthless mercenaries for some secret organization—perhaps even the government. The dregs were now creatures of the night—wounded warriors with tortured souls. It was rumored that if you saw a dreg, it would be the last thing you ever saw.”

The heroine: Jessica – She is a woman with a photographic memory that lives in Augusta Georgia and her sister has been taken. Augusta is in the middle of a gang war that started a week ago with the murder of the mayor, the city councilmen and half the police force. The other half had fled for their lives, and Jessica had left her sixteen-year-old sister Eliza alone which was when she had been taken by one of the gangs.

The Hero: Liam (a.k.a. The Tracker) – he was a young teenager when he was taken from whatever his life was, drugged and thrown into a jail cell to be experimented on like a rat in a cage. He could barely remember his own name from the drugs the fed him and couldn’t remember anything else about his life before that day.

The Story: Jessica had heard about the Dregs and knew Tracker was one of them. She found out where he stayed and went to beg him to help find her sister who had been hiding in a park while Jessica tried to get help getting out of Augusta. When she returned her sister was gone. Though Jessica didn’t have anything to pay Tracker, he demanded she do what he wanted, when he wanted in exchange. Starting with cleaning his apartment and cooking him dinner. She immediately agreed because she would do anything to find her sister.

I have been really liking books about genetically altered humans lately, though so many of them are similar. They all start out with experimentation, imprisonment and torture, then escape. This one did have some of that, but the Dregs were already out in the world and though they were being hunted by bounty hunters, they were on their own and free.

“We were expendable from the start. An experiment. They tortured us, messed with our minds, experimented with us like lab rats, beat us down until we craved death, then slowly built us back up and gave us a purpose in life. To kill.”

I really liked this story from the start, the characters were interesting, the world building was terrific, and I loved the fact that Tracker and the Dregs were superhuman. Though each of them had been badly injured in a way that wouldn’t heal whether it be missing a limb, or like in Trackers case where he had a near amputation of his leg that never healed right and caused him pain. However, even though they could be injured like that, they could also heal quickly from things like gunshot wounds. Tracker was also a really good fighter, faster and stronger than a normal human.


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